
Regular Meeting
Davis Joint USD
June 21, 2018 5:30PM
Closed Session - 5:30 p.m., South Conference Room, 526 B Street; Open Session - 7:00 p.m., Community Chambers, 23 Russell Boulevard Davis, CA 95616

Mission Statement:
The mission of Davis Joint Unified School District, a leading center of educational innovation, is to ignite a love of learning and equip each student with the knowledge, skills, character, and well-being to thrive and contribute to an evolving and increasingly-connected world, through a system characterized by: - Optimal conditions and environments for all students to learn - A team of talented, resourceful, and caring staff - Transforming teaching, learning, and operations in our continuing pursuit of excellence - Resourceful, transparent, and responsible fiscal planning, - A diverse and inclusive culture
II. CLOSED SESSION (Note location at top of agenda)
II.a. Discussion and Possible Action on Personnel Listed on the Consent Calendar for Personnel Employment/Status/ActionsConfidential agenda item.
II.b. Conference with Agency Negotiator, Matt Best, Regarding Collective Bargaining: DTA and CSEAConfidential agenda item.
II.c. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION, significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9, Number of Cases: (1 case) Confidential agenda item.
II.d. Conference with Labor Negotiator, John Bowes, Regarding Unrepresented Employee: Deputy Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, Chief Business and Operations Officer and Administrative Leadership TeamConfidential agenda item.
II.e. Conference with Labor Negotiator, Tom Adams, Regarding Unrepresented Employee: SuperintendentConfidential agenda item.
III.a. Open Session Call to Order (Note location at top of agenda)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
It is anticipated the Board will reconvene in open session at 7:00 p.m.
III.b. Patriotic Observance
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Board Member Madhavi Sunder will lead those attending the meeting in a patriotic observance.

III.c. Roll Call
III.d. Announcement of any Decisions Made in Closed Session
III.e. Approval of Agenda
IV.a. Recognition for Davis School Foundation
Recommended Motion:

Recognition for the Davis Schools Foundation's successful fundraising and generous support of DJUSD Programs.


The Davis Schools Foundation continues to generously support important and needed programs in the District.  DSF was formed in 2004 by a group of community members who shared a commitment to maintaining and improving the excellence of programs in Davis schools.  The founding members crafted a "Dollar a Day" concept for raising funds, urging supporters to contribute $365, or a $1 a day for a year, to make sure that Davis children continued to receive an excellent public school education. 

Since 2005, DSF has raised and granted almost $4 million to the Davis Joint Unified School District.  Programs and positions supported include core educational programs, technology, music instruction, vice principals, counselors, library support and the high school career center. 

For the 2018-2019 school year, DSF will grant $160,000 to DJUSD toward our mutual goal of Educational Excellence for Every Child. 

DJUSD is proud to partner with the Davis Schools Foundation, and grateful for the generous support our students receive from their efforts.

IV.b. Recognition of Trustee Madhavi Sunder
Recommended Motion:

Recognize outgoing Trustee Madhavi Sunder.


This is an opportunity for individuals to recognize outgoing Trustee Madhavi Sunder for her dedication and public service to the Davis Joint Unified School District and the community.  Trustee Sunder began her service in December 2014.

V.a. Superintendent's Communications
V.b. DTA Communications
V.c. CSEA Communications
V.d. Announcements from Board Members/Board Liaisons
V.e. Student Board Representative Announcements
Quick Summary / Abstract:

In the interest of conducting the business of public education in a timely manner, there is a two or three-minute limit per individual speaker which, at the discretion of the board president, may be modified depending on the number of speakers.  A maximum of thirty (30) minutes for the comment period may be imposed.

In order to maintain a respectful public forum, members of the audience will please limit applause to occasions of student performance, employee recognition, and significant community contributions which are celebrated by everyone present.

During this public comment period, the law does not allow the Board of Education to take action on any item not explicitly posted on the agenda in advance.  However, Board members may ask for clarification, refer concerns to staff, and/or request that an item be placed on a future agenda. 

VII.a. Approve Certificated Personnel Report No. 22-18
Recommended Motion:

Certificated Personnel Report No. 22-18 covers 2 Temporary Employments, 8 Probationary Employments, 1 FTE Increase, 1 Partial Leave of Absence, 1 Leave of Absence, 2 Resignations, 3 Retirements and possible addendum covering 5 Employments. 

The personnel actions requested in this report are essential to meet the goals and mission of the Davis Joint Unified School District. 

Financial Impact:
The personnel actions are budgeted for in the Davis Joint Unified School District Adopted Budget or expressly approved by the Board of Education in open session. 

Certificated Personnel Report 22-18
Certificated Personnel Report No. 22-18 - Addendum A
VII.b. Approve Classified Personnel Report No. 22-18
Recommended Motion:

Classified Personnel Report No. 22-18 covers 2 Employments, 4 FTE Increases, 3 Partial Resignations, 6 Resignations, 1 Retirement, 1 Release During Probation Period  and possible addendum covering 25 Variable Service Agreements and 1 Employment. 

The personnel actions requested in this report are essential to meet the goals and mission of the Davis Joint Unified School District. 

Financial Impact:
The personnel actions are budgeted for in the Davis Joint Unified School District Adopted Budget or expressly approved by the Board of Education in open session. 

Classified Personnel Report 22-18
Classified Personnel Report No. 22-18 - Addendum A
VII.c. Approval of MinutesWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Recommended Motion:

Approve the minutes of May 17, May 31 (Regular), and May 31 (Special), 2018.

Minutes - May 17, 2018
Minutes - May 31, 2018 (Regular Meeting)
Minutes - May 31, 2018 (Special Meeting)
VII.d. Approve Resolution 43-18: California State Preschool Program (CSPP 6640) One Day ClosureWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Recommended Motion:
Resolution 43-18 must be adopted in order to certify the Request for Allowance of Attendance Because of Emergency Conditions at the Children’s Center including the California State Preschool Program (CSPP 6640).


On Friday, May 25, 2018 a water main line ruptured at the Valley Oak Campus.  Despite the efforts of our Facilities Department to repair the leak without doing so, water to the entire campus had to be turned off.  Because the predicted duration of work was over several hours and because this water shut-off would eliminate the use of restrooms or faucets for hand-washing, the decision was made to close the entire Valley Oak campus on Friday, May 25, at 11:30 a.m. and re-eopen on Tuesday,May 29.

The programs impacted included: California State Preschool; DJUSD Fee-Based Preschool; Special Education Preschool, Yolo County Office of Education Head Start, Adult Living Skills and DaVinci High School.

Child Development Center-Resolution for One day closure
VII.e. Approval of the Child Development Agency Annual Report for the State Preschool Program
Recommended Motion:
Approve the Child Development Agency Annual Report for Davis Joint Unified School District's California State Preschool Program (CSPP).

The Davis Joint Unified School District contracts with the California Department of Education, Child Development Division, to provide child development services pursuant to the California Education Code, California Administrative Code 22, Title 5, Title XX of the Social Security Act, Child Development Funding Terms and Conditions and other legal authorities.  The Agency Annual Report is required to be completed by contract.  It is due annually on June 1.  These reports are used to increase program quality for children and families, to measure the developmental progress of children, to identify program strengths, as well as areas that may need improvement and to document how areas targeted for improvement will be closed.
Financial Impact:

None at this time.

Child Development Contract CSPP 8676
VII.f. Approval of Consolidated Application Part 1
Recommended Motion:
Approve the Consolidated Application Part 1


The Consolidated Application is used by the California Department of Education to distribute categorical funds from the various federal programs to school districts, charter schools and county offices throughout California. LEAs annually submit the Consolidated Application to document participation in categorical programs and to provide assurances that the LEA will comply with the legal requirements of each program. Part I of the Consolidated Application includes the application for funding of the following programs:

  • Title I, Part A Basic Grant

  • Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction

  • Title III, Part A English Learner

  • Title III, Part A Immigrant Students

  • Title IV, Part A Student Support

Part II of the Consolidated Application contains the LEA's entitlements for each funded program. Part II will be submitted in Spring 2019. Out of each federal program entitlement, LEAs allocate funds for programs operated at the school sites, programs operated by the LEA, and indirect administrative costs.

As required by law, the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) was apprised of the contents of the application at the DELAC meeting on May 22, 2018. In the month of June representatives of private, non-profit schools submitted notification regarding their schools' interest in participating in one or more of the federal programs. The Consolidated Application will be fully certified for submission to the California Department of Education upon approval by the Board of Education.

Financial Impact:

Estimated allocations:

Title I (Free and Reduced Lunch counts): $787,491

Title II (Supporting Effective Instruction)  - $162,000

Title III (Immigrant): $92.35/student.  Estimate 446 students.

Title III (English Learner Student Program): $99.05/Student. Estimate 1007 students.

Title IV (Flexible Block Grant-Student Support): TBD

Final allocations will be determined once student enrollment and demographics are submitted to the California Department of Education in the fall.

Consolidated Application 18-19
VII.g. Receive the Da Vinci Charter Academy Local Control Accountability Plan
Recommended Motion:

Receive the Da Vinci Charter Academy Local Control Accountability Plan.


Da Vinci staff has engaged in broad and expansive work toward assessing teacher and counselor planning, facilitation, and student outcomes. This work is ongoing, but consistently happens in in the DaVinci August retreat, through professional development each Wednesday, and by virtue of distributing leadership to lead a whole community reflection, evaluation, and feedback loops. When possible the drive is to lead parallel conversations with staff, parents, and students as the intent is to have a diverse stakeholder group reflect, analyze, and inform actions plans. Several times throughout the year (fall, winter, and spring) DaVinci holds parent evenings to look at data or learning specific to Youth Truth results, New Tech Network survey results, or staff led dialogue, about areas of need that present. These were followed with student focus groups throughout the spring. This feedback was shared with staff. This year's driving question was "What is the ideal educator?" and need to knows and self-assessment were based upon answers to this key question.

Da Vinci parents have engaged through broad and varied mechanisms specifically designed to be inclusive of a wider voice. DaVinci administration and parents partnered to create multiple digital surveys after parent specific events to seek feedback, used the strong Booster Club, Advisory group, as well as focus groups designed to focus on data (CHKS, Youth Truth, academic data, etc.). Additionally, DaVinci staff designed intentional opportunities in partnership with the DaVinci Boosters for parent learning to create additional opportunities for leadership and feedback.

Da Vinci student representatives have engaged in broad and expansive work toward assessing planning, facilitation, and outcomes alongside staff. They are consistently invited and valued when this work happens in August retreat, through professional development, and by virtue of distributing leadership to lead a whole community reflection, evaluation, and feedback loops - this is inclusive of attending all Wednesday morning collaboration and professional development. Additionally, students provide feedback through CHKS, Youth Truth, and multiple NTN surveys. In Winter and Spring, students are lead through deliberate focus groups specific to feedback received on those surveys and growth in the stated goals: fidelity to PBL, connectivity to adults and community, rigorous education, support of personal goals.

Charter Schools are required to submit their Local Control Accountability Plan to the authorizing agency the with the following expectations: 

On or before July 1, 2014, and each year thereafter, a charter school must update the goals and annual actions to achieve those goals identified in its charter. The annual update shall be developed using the template adopted by the State Board of Education and shall include all of the following:

A review of progress toward the goals; an assessment of effectiveness of the specific actions described in the charter toward achieving the goals; and a description of changes to the specific actions the charter school will make as a result of the review and assessment.

Charter schools are not required to hold a public hearing for their LCAP and are not required to have their governing board formally approve their LCAP at a public meeting. In addition, a charter school is not required to hold a public hearing or a public meeting for approval of their budget.

All of the references within the Education Code regarding these requirements refer specifically to school districts, with no reference to charter schools. The only requirements for charter schools with regard to the LCAP and their budget are that they prepare and submit both documents to their chartering authority and their county office of education by July 1 each year.

Financial Impact:

As described in the Da Vinci Charter Academy LCAP.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

VII.h. Approve 2018-2019 Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Recommended Motion:

Approve 2018-2019 Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) which have been approved by the submitting sites' School Site Councils. 


Schools that receive state and federal categorical funding through the Consolidated Application process must annually develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The purpose of the SPSA goals and actions are to “improve the academic performance of all students to the level of the performance goals.”

The Single Plan for Student Achievement involves a cycle of continuous development, implementation and monitoring.  The following steps are completed at the site level in the development of a school plan: 

1. Measure effectiveness of improvement strategies at the school; 
2. Seek input from school advisory committee; 
3. Reaffirm or revise school goals; 
4. Revise improvement strategies and expenditures; 
5. Recommend the approved Single Plan for Student Achievement to the governing board; and 
6. Monitor the implementation of the plan.

Once approved by the Board of Education, a copy of each school's SPSA will be available for review on the DJUSD website and in the Instructional Services Department at the District Office. The 2018-19 SPSAs have been approved for implementation by each site's School Site Council.

The site plan for Cesar Chavez Elementary School will be presented to the Board for approval in August.

Financial Impact:
As described in each plan.
Birch Lane 2018-19 Site Plan
Davis Senior High 2018-19 Site Plan
DSIS 2018-19 Site Plan
Emerson 2018-19 Site Plan
Fairfield 2018-19 Site Plan
Harper 2018-19 Site Plan
Holmes 2018-19 Site Plan
King 2018-19 Site Plan
Korematsu 2018-19 Site Plan
Montgomery 2018-19 Site Plan
North Davis 2018-19 Site Plan
Patwin 2018-19 Site Plan
Pioneer 2018-19 Site Plan
Willett 2018-19 Site Plan
VII.i. Approval of the Notice of Completion for the HVAC and Controls Replacement Project – Phase III at Davis School for Independent Studies, Willett Elementary, and Davis High School (Project No. 16-23)
Recommended Motion:

Approve the Notice of Completion for the HVAC and Controls Replacement Project – Phase III at Davis School for Independent Studies, Willett Elementary, and Davis High School (Project No. 16-23) 



On May 18, 2017, the Governing Board approved the bid proposal submitted by Cooper Oates Air Conditioning, Inc. (COAC) and authorized staff to execute the construction agreement to complete the work described in the HVAC and Controls Replacement Project – Phase III for a total cost of $2,758,623. 

On November 1, 2017, the Governing Board approved Change Order No 1 in the amount of $22,350 for work relating to changes outside of the original contract.  The total value of Change Order No. 1 increased Cooper Oates Air Conditioning, Inc.’s contact amount from $2,758,623 to $2,780,973.

Cooper Oates Air Conditioning, Inc. has completed the project and has met all their contractual responsibilities.  No further change to the contact amount of $2,780,973 will occur. 

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Notice of Completion for Cooper Oates Air Conditioning, Inc. (COAC) for the HVAC and Controls Replacement Project – Phase III.

The District is committed to providing safe and healthy facilities for optimal learning conditions. This commitment is included in the District’s Strategic Plan (Strategy 2) and the Local Control Accountability Plan (Goal 2).

Financial Impact:

Cooper Oates Air Conditioning Inc. for the HVAC and Controls Replacement Project – Phase III is funded by Deferred Maintenance Funding (COPs), and does not have any fiscal impact on the General Fund.

Notice of Completion for the HVAC and Controls Replacement Project - Phase III
VII.j. Parcel Tax Oversight Committee
Recommended Motion:
Approve nominees to the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee. 


As part of the Parcel Tax Measures, each Board member nominates one person each year to sit on the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee for a two-year term.  Vacancies have been created as the terms of committee members have expired.  

These are the nominees to serve on the committee for the July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020 term.

Board Member Nominee
Tom Adams Tanya Lieberman
Barbara Archer Elaine Talley
Alan Fernandes Michelle Cabrera
Bob Poppenga Chuck Rairdan
Madhavi Sunder Darien Shanske

VII.k. Approval of Partnership Agreement with the Davis Kids Klub for After-School Programs at Elementary School Sites
Recommended Motion:

Approve the partnership agreement between the Davis Kids Klub (DKK) and the Davis Joint Unified School District.


The purpose of this Partnership Agreement is to establish a formal working relationship between the parties of agreement and to set forth the operative conditions that govern this partnership. The District and DKK believe that enriching, effective and affordable after school programs for Davis students are of mutual benefit to the district, DKK and the Davis community. As a result the District and DKK wish to solidify and strengthen their partnership to continue to provide excellent before and after school options for the students of Davis.

The final version of the agreement will be posted on Monday, June 18, 2018. 

Financial Impact:

This agreement will generate between $130,000 and $180,000 in General Fund revenue depending on the programs which run in any given year.  The term of this agreement July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021.  

DKK-DJUSD Partnership Agreement
VII.l. Approval of Resolution No. 42-18: Issuance of 2018-2019 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANS)
Recommended Motion:

Adopt Resolution No. 42-18 to authorize the District to issue Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANS) and Approve Scope of Work Agreement with Government Financial Strategies. 


Cash management is one of the integral components of comprehensive fiscal management. The majority of the district revenues are via the Local Control Funding Formula, funded by property tax (collected and paid to the district in two installments, January and April) and state aid; and additionally funded by the local parcel tax (in the same installment timeline as property tax).  School district cash expenditures are spread fairly evenly throughout the school year.  Due to the timing of local taxes and state aid, cash reserves are projected to be negative in October. Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes, short-term tax-exempt instruments, are frequently issued by public agencies to allow availability of a prudent level of cash balance throughout the year. During the periods when the short-term borrowings are not needed for cash coverage, these funds may be reinvested. The yield on the reinvestment earnings are unrestricted interest earnings to the school district. Current projections indicate that the District will qualify to issue TRANs for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. For future year financial projections, a TRANS issue size has been estimated at approximately $12-15 Million.

Financial Impact:

The gross cost of issuance is anticipated to be approximately $50,000, inclusive of the Scope of Work agreement with Government Financial Strategies for $24,500.  This cost could be partially offset with interest earnings.  Without the TRANS the district is at risk of having insufficient cash to pay liabilities. 

a. 2018-2019 TRANS Memo of Required Documents
b. Resolution No. 42-18 TRANS 2018-2019
c. County Resolution TRANS 2018-2019
d. Note Purchase Agreement
e. Continuing Disclosure Certificate
f. Preliminary Official Statement
g. Estimate Cost of Issuance
h. Government Financial Strategies Scope of Work Agreement
VII.m. Acceptance of Gifts
Recommended Motion:

Accept the gifts totaling $45,017 for this period presented for use in the District's programs.


The Board of Education gratefully accepts donations totaling $45,017, which have been received by the District since the Board of Education meeting held on May 17, 2018. A summary of gifts received is included in the Board packet.

Financial Impact:
The amount of the cash gifts will be a budget revision for the Board-approved budget under local grants and donations.

June 2018 Report of Gifts
VII.n. Ratification of Contracts and Agreements
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the contracts and agreements as presented.

Pursuant to Board Policy 3312 and California Education Code, all contracts and agreements need to be approved and ratified by the Board of Education.  The current contracts which are being presented to the Board are listed in the attachment section below.  Additional contract(s) may be included prior to the meeting.

Financial Impact:
All items are budgeted in their respective department/program approved budget plans. The cost of each individual item is posted in attachments.

All West Coachlines Agreement - Birch Lane -Sly Park
AMS.NET Agreement
CommuniCare Health Centers Agreement -King High School
Dell Marketing L.P. Agreement - Chromebooks SOW
Heron Lake Challenge Administered by Napa County Office of Education Agreement
Instructure, Inc. Agreement
Marin County Office of Education Agreement - Walker Creek Montgomery Elementary
Marin County Office of Education Agreement - Walker Creek Pioneer Elementary
Michael's Transportation Agreement - Walker Creek Pioneer Elementary
Quest Technology Management
Sacramento County Office of Education Agreement - Willett Sly Park
Tamarack Lodge at Bear Valley, Victoria Johnson Agreement - DSHS Cross Country
Woodland Parks and Recreation Agreement
Yolo County Office of Education Countywide Expelled Student Plan
Yolo County Office of Education MOU
YSCTC Benicia Unified School District MOU
VIII.a. Board of Education Listening Tour Update
Recommended Motion:

Receive an update from staff and fellow Board members regarding the structure and Board experiences on the Board Listening Tour.


The Board of Education undertook a bold initiative, as a result of ongoing work on the We All Belong resolution, and in the spirit of continuous improvement, by committing to listening to student voices regarding inclusion, belonging and learning. Staff will provide an overview of the basic structure of the Listening Tour meetings and Board members will be asked to share what they learned from the meetings, what they liked about the structure of the meetings and what they would like to see improved.

Financial Impact:
There is not financial impact related to this item.  

Listening Tour Presentation
VIII.b. Approval of the DJUSD Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Recommended Motion:

Approval of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).


In order to incorporate collective priorities, staff will review the LCAP goals, actions, and services which align with the Board of Education Priorities and the State Local Control and Accountability Plan Priorities.

LCAP Goals: 1) All students will experience 21st Century Teaching and Learning; 2) Davis Joint Unified School District educators will close the Achievement Gap; 3) Classrooms and school communities will be inclusive and safe communities. 

The work of achieving these goals will be accomplished through evidence-based professional learning communities, effective instruction, and research-based social emotional learning. To close the achievement gap, we will also continue to provide English Learner Specialists, and add a Teacher on Special Assignment to further develop and manage a system for English Learner progress monitoring.  Additionally, we will provide focused professional development to increase educator effectiveness for language acquisition and content knowledge in all subject  areas.
Additional supports that have been effective, and will continue,  include Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) at Montgomery Elementary School, and interventions for English Learners and low income students at Davis Senior High School (including the paraeducator support in our World Civilization course, an English Learner Mentor Program, and Parent Liaison).  

The DJUSD LCAP also targets professional development for English Learner Specialists, classroom teachers, and site administrators to deepen understanding and implementation of English Language Development standards and interventions.  Furthermore, the Wellness Center at Martin Luther King Junior Continuation High School increases our ability to create a trauma sensitive school environment for all students, particularly low income and English Learners; support of the Wellness Center will continue and, in time, will inform the development of similar programs elsewhere in the district.  

Ongoing reading and literacy supports at the primary grades will continue.  A focus remains on how Long Term English Learners develop goals to acquire reclassification status. This includes additional staff of English Learner Specialists to coach teaching staff and manage student case loads towards their graduation.  

Revisions and additions this year include: additional counseling support K-8 and a Vice Principal to monitor progress of our unduplicated students.  We are also able to bolster nursing positions, promote adult learning at every site towards an awareness of equity and cultural humility. Finally, funding will be allocated to ensure unduplicated students have access to robotics at every elementary site.

Financial Impact:

As aligned with the district budget.

1. 2018-19 LCAP Executive Summary
2. LCAP 2018-2019
LCAP Budget Graphs
VIII.c. Approval of the DJUSD 2018-2019 Adoption Budget
Recommended Motion:

Approve the 2018-2019 District Adoption Budget as presented, including fund balance reserve report and 2017-2018 Budget Revision (Estimated Actuals).


The budgets were completed based on the latest information available to date. For the current year, 2017-2018, budgets were revised to project estimated actual revenues and spending. For 2018-2019, the proposed budget contains projected funding for slight LCFF growth and some additional one-time discretionary funds. These projections are from the Governor's May Revision and are subject to change with the Final State Budget.

The District has developed a spending plan for next year that addresses the following needs;

  • Required (State/Local) Expenditures
    • Employee compensation (Impact of collective bargaining agreements)
    • State pension cost increases (STRS and PERS employer rates)
    • Restricted maintenance (State requirement)
    • Inflation/Cost increases
    • Teacher and student support staffing
    • Services/Goals for student learning (LCAP)
    • Deficit spending

The Adoption Budget s built on the assumption of continued revenue growth over the next four years. DJUSD staffing and program costs will continue to outpace these gains from the State over this same period and will need to find local solutions to enhance revenue sources and continue to carefully prioritize spending to balance the budget and eliminate the deficit spending.

While the Governor continues to stress the likelihood of a recession in the near future, the State forecast does not project a recession. If a recession occurs State revenues could drop below prior-year levels, and cuts to education could be on the table again.  Fiscal caution is advised.

a. 2018-2019 Adoption Budget
b. Excess Reserves 2018-2019
c. Yolo Common Message 2018 May Revision
d. FCMAT Fiscal Health Risk Analysis
e. FCMAT Indicators of Risk
VIII.d. Approve Employment Contract Amendment for John Bowes, Superintendent
Recommended Motion:

Approve Employment Contract Amendment for John Bowes, Superintendent.


All employees in DJUSD received a 3.5% ongoing pay increase for the 2017-18 school year retroactive to July 1, 2017 in addition to any contractually provided step and column related salary increases. In addition, all employees will receive a one-time 2% lump sum payment.

This agenda item provides that of the 3.5 percent ongoing salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2017 for contracted employees that 0.5% be placed on the Director I salary schedule. The District is committed to meeting our comparable compensation goals. The largest regional compensation gap in DJUSD exists for the Director I position and currently is more than 10%.

DJUSD is committed to increasing revenues and/or re-prioritizing expenditures in order to meet our fifth strategic goal. Visit our Team Solutions Website at to track the status of our progress on these goals.

Please  visit our Frequently Asked Questions page regarding DJUSD Employee Compensation.

The employment contract amendment will be finalized during Closed Session and made available prior to Open Session on Thursday evening. 

Financial Impact:

3.0% (3.5% - 0.5%) on-going increase retroactive to July 1, 2017

2% one-time payment for 2018-19

Contract Amendment - Bowes
VIII.e. Approve Employment Contract Amendment for Matt Best, Deputy Superintendent
Recommended Motion:

Approve Employment Contract Amendment for Matt Best, Deputy Superintendent.


All employees in DJUSD received a 3.5% ongoing pay increase for the 2017-18 school year retroactive to July 1, 2017 in addition to any contractually provided step and column related salary increases. In addition, all employees will receive a one-time 2% lump sum payment.

This agenda item provides that of the 3.5 percent ongoing salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2017 for contracted employees that 0.5% be placed on the Director I salary schedule. The District is committed to meeting our comparable compensation goals. The largest regional compensation gap in DJUSD exists for the Director I position and currently is more than 10%.

DJUSD is committed to increasing revenues and/or re-prioritizing expenditures in order to meet our fifth strategic goal. Visit our Team Solutions Website at to track the status of our progress on these goals.

Please  visit our Frequently Asked Questions page regarding DJUSD Employee Compensation.

The employment contract amendment will be finalized during Closed Session and made available prior to Open Session on Thursday evening

Contract Amendment - Best
VIII.f. Approve Employment Contract Amendment for Bruce Colby, Chief Business and Operations Officer
Recommended Motion:

Approve Employment Contract Amendment for Bruce Colby, Chief Business and Operations Officer.


All employees in DJUSD received a 3.5% ongoing pay increase for the 2017-18 school year retroactive to July 1, 2017 in addition to any contractually provided step and column related salary increases. In addition, all employees will receive a one-time 2% lump sum payment.

This agenda item provides that of the 3.5 percent ongoing salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2017 for contracted employees that 0.5% be placed on the Director I salary schedule. The District is committed to meeting our comparable compensation goals. The largest regional compensation gap in DJUSD exists for the Director I position and currently is more than 10%.

DJUSD is committed to increasing revenues and/or re-prioritizing expenditures in order to meet our fifth strategic goal. Visit our Team Solutions Website at to track the status of our progress on these goals.

Please  visit our Frequently Asked Questions page regarding DJUSD Employee Compensation.

The employment contract amendment will be finalized during Closed Session and made available prior to Open Session on Thursday evening. 

Financial Impact:

3.0% (3.5% - 0.5%) on-going increase retroactive to July 1, 2017

2% one-time payment for 2018-19

Contract Amendment - Colby
VIII.g. Approve Employment Contract Amendment for Rody Boonchouy, Associate Superintendent
Recommended Motion:

Approve Employment Contract Amendment for Rody Boonchouy, Associate Superintendent


All employees in DJUSD received a 3.5% ongoing pay increase for the 2017-18 school year retroactive to July 1, 2017 in addition to any contractually provided step and column related salary increases. In addition, all employees will receive a one-time 2% lump sum payment.

This agenda item provides that of the 3.5 percent ongoing salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2017 for contracted employees that 0.5% be placed on the Director I salary schedule. The District is committed to meeting our comparable compensation goals. The largest regional compensation gap in DJUSD exists for the Director I position and currently is more than 10%.

DJUSD is committed to increasing revenues and/or re-prioritizing expenditures in order to meet our fifth strategic goal. Visit our Team Solutions Website at to track the status of our progress on these goals.

Please  visit our Frequently Asked Questions page regarding DJUSD Employee Compensation.

The employment contract amendment will be finalized during Closed Session and made available prior to Open Session on Thursday evening. 

Financial Impact:

3.0% (3.5% - 0.5%) on-going increase retroactive to July 1, 2017

2% one-time payment for 2018-19

Contract Amendment - Boonchouy
VIII.h. Approve the Administrative Leadership Team Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2018.
Recommended Motion:

Approve the Administrative Leadership Team salary schedule effective July 1, 2018, as presented.


All employees in DJUSD received a 3.5% ongoing pay increase retroactive to July 1, 2017 in addition to any contractually provided step and column related salary increases.

The DJUSD Executive Staff and Board of Education are committed to meeting our comparable compensation goals.

As a result, the Superintendent is recommending that of the 3.5 percent ongoing salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2017 for contracted employees, an ongoing 0.5% salary increase be placed on the Director I salary schedule.

The largest regional compensation gap in DJUSD exists for the Director I position and currently is more than 10%.

Financial Impact:

The salary increase for the Leadership Team Director I is an ongoing $4,600 expenditure from the General fund beginning in the 2018-2019 school year.

Administrative Leadership Team Salary Schedule 2018-2019

The calendar is a fluid, working document used by the Board President and Superintendent in support of the Board conducting efficient and effective Board meetings. Changes in the date of future agenda items occur frequently to best fit Board items into the time parameters of Board meetings and District priorities.  

Quick Summary / Abstract:

The next regular meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for August 2, 2018 . The Board will convene in open session, and immediately thereafter adjourn to closed session at 5:30 p.m. in the Susan B. Anthony Administration Building at 526 B Street, Davis, California. The Board will reconvene in open session at approximately 7:00 p.m. in the Community Chambers at 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis, California. 

Quick Summary / Abstract:

In compliance with the Brown Act regulations, Penny Pyle legally posted this agenda on June 15, 2018.

In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to access the Board meeting room or to otherwise participate during this meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact the Superintendent's Office at (530) 757-5300 ext. 142. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Board meeting.

The Board meeting will be televised live on cable television on DJUSD Education Channel 17. Streaming video of this meeting is also available at: DJUSD Board Meeting.

Agenda Packets are available for review at the Davis Joint Unified School District office, 526 B Street (530-757-5300 x 142); or online at

Published: June 15, 2018, 6:06 PM

The resubmit was successful.