
Regular Meeting
Davis Joint USD
June 02, 2016 5:30PM
Closed Session - 5:30 p.m., South Conference Room, 526 B Street; Open Session - 7:00 p.m., Community Chambers, 23 Russell Boulevard Davis, CA 95616

Mission Statement:
The mission of Davis Joint Unified School District, a leading center of educational innovation, is to ignite a love of learning and equip each student with the knowledge, skills, character, and well-being to thrive and contribute to an evolving and increasingly-connected world, through a system characterized by: - Optimal conditions and environments for all students to learn - A team of talented, resourceful, and caring staff - Transforming teaching, learning, and operations in our continuing pursuit of excellence - Resourceful, transparent, and responsible fiscal planning, - A diverse and inclusive culture
CDE Specific Waiver DSIS 2016-18
DSIS Site Council Agenda - Minutes 9/12/18
II. CLOSED SESSION (Note location at top of agenda)
II.a. Discussion and Possible Action on Personnel Listed on the Consent Calendar for Personnel Employment/Status/Actions.Confidential agenda item.Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
II.b. Conference with Agency Negotiator, Matt Best, Regarding Collective Bargaining: DTA and CSEAConfidential agenda item.
II.c. Conference with Labor Negotiator, Madhavi Sunder, Regarding Unrepresented Employee: SuperintendentConfidential agenda item.
II.d. Public Employee Appointment/Employment(Gov. Code § 54957) Title: Superintendent Confidential agenda item.
III.a. Open Session Call to Order (Note location at top of agenda)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
It is anticipated the Board will reconvene in open session at 7:00 p.m.
III.b. Patriotic Observance
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Board Member Alan Fernandes will lead those attending the meeting in a patriotic observance.
III.c. Roll Call
III.d. Announcement of any Decisions Made in Closed Session
III.e. Approval of Agenda
IV.a. Superintendent's Communications
IV.b. DTA Communications
IV.c. CSEA Communications
IV.d. Announcements from Board Members/Board Liaisons
IV.e. Student Board Representative Announcements
Quick Summary / Abstract:

In the interest of conducting the business of public education in a timely manner, there is a two or three-minute limit per individual speaker which, at the discretion of the board president, may be modified depending on the number of speakers.  A maximum of thirty (30) minutes for the comment period may be imposed.

In order to maintain a respectful public forum, members of the audience will please limit applause to occasions of student performance, employee recognition, and significant community contributions which are celebrated by everyone present.

During this public comment period, the law does not allow the Board of Education to take action on any item not explicitly posted on the agenda in advance.  However, Board members may ask for clarification, refer concerns to staff, and/or request that an item be placed on a future agenda. 

VI.a. Certificated Personnel Report No. 21-16
Recommended Motion:

Certificated Personnel Report No. 21-16 covers 3 Employments, 1 Conversion from Temporary to Probationary, 1 FTE Increase, 7 Leaves of Absence, 1 Retirement and possible addendum covering 10 Employments, 2 Resignations, 2 Retirements and 5 Variable Services Agreements.


The personnel actions requested in this report are essential to meet the goals and mission of the Davis Joint Unified School District.

Financial Impact:

The personnel actions are budgeted for in the Davis Joint Unified School District Adopted Budget or expressly approved by the Board of Education in open session.

Certificated Personnel Report 21-16
Certificated Personnel Report No. 21-16 - Addendum A
Certificated Personnel Report No. 21-16 Addendum B
VI.b. Classified Personnel Report No. 21-16
Recommended Motion:

Classified Personnel Report No. 21-16 covers 2 Employments, 2 Resignations, 1 Partial Resignation, 1 Retirement, 10 Variable Services Agreements and possible addendum covering 2 Employments and 5 Variable Services Agreements.


The personnel actions requested in this report are essential to meet the goals and missions of the Davis Joint Unified School District.

Financial Impact:

The personnel actions are budgeted for in the Davis Joint Unified School District Adopted Budget or expressly approved by the Board of Education in open session.

Classified Personnel Report 21-16
Classified Personnel Report No. 21-16 - Addendum A
Classified Personnel Report No. 21-16 - Addendum B
VI.c. Approval of Minutes
VI.d. Approve the Davis Schools Foundation Grant Agreement
Recommended Motion:
Approve the Davis Schools Foundation Grant Agreement as presented.
The Davis Schools Foundation continues to generously support important and needed programs in the DJUSD and will again fund instructional aides at the elementary school sites, counseling services at the secondary schools and support for technology for students in the 2016-17 school year.   The combined total of the grant award is $185,000. 
Davis Schools Foundation Grant Agreement 2016-17
VI.e. Approve the Appointment of the Superintendent/Designee(s) as the District's CIF Representatives for the 2016-2017 School Year
Recommended Motion:

Approve the appointment of the Superintendent/Designee(s), Jeff Lorenson, Will Brown and Tom McHale as the District's CIF Representatives for the 2016-2017 School Year


Each year the Board must appoint the District representatives to the Sac-Joaquin Section of the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF).  The Superintendent is the staff person to whom the Board normally delegates its authority and who represents the Boards as chief administrator of the District.  The Superintendent usually designates the high school principal and two selected high school staff members as his designee(s). 

The California Interscholastic Federation Form with the 2016 - 2017 Designation of CIF Representatives to the league is attached. 

CIF Form to Record District or School Representatives
VI.f. Approval of the Child Development Agency Annual Report for the State Preschool Program
Recommended Motion:
Approve the Child Development Agency Annual Report for Davis Joint Unified School District's California State Preschool Program (CSPP).

The Davis Joint Unified School District contracts with the California Department of Education, Child Development Division, to provide child development services pursuant to the California Education Code, California Administrative Code 22, Title 5, Title XX of the Social Security Act, Child Development Funding Terms and Conditions and other legal authorities.  The Agency Annual Report is required to be completed by contract.  It is due annually on June 1.  These reports are used to increase program quality for children and families, to measure the developmental progress of children, to identify program strengths, as well as areas that may need improvement and to document how areas targeted for improvement will be closed.
Financial Impact:

None at this time.

Children's Center Self Study 15-16
VI.g. California Department of Education Specific Waiver: Davis School for Independent Study, Fairfield Elementary School and King Continuation High School Site Councils - Composition of Members
Recommended Motion:
Approve Specific Waivers request.


The district is requesting that the State Board of Education renew existing specific waivers regarding the mandated site council membership composition at Davis School for Independent Study, Fairfield Elementary School and King Continuation High School.

Because each of the schools is a small school with relatively few teachers and classified employees, it is difficult for these sites to meet the mandated Site Council membership composition requirements. The waivers allow for a reduction in the number of teachers and other site council members required to serve on each School Site Council, while retaining membership equity between staff and parents/students and continuing to provide appropriate oversight of the school’s programs and budget. The leadership of DTA, CSEA (as applicable) and each site’s School Site Council have approved the waiver requests. The period of this request is July 2016 through June 2018.

Education Code 52863 establishes that any governing board, on behalf of a school site council, may request the State Board of Education to grant a waiver to a school when it finds that the failure to do so would hinder the implementation or maintenance of a successful school-based coordinated program.  If the State Board of Education approves a waiver request, the waiver shall apply only to the school or schools which requested the waiver and shall be effective for no more than two years.  The State Board of Education may renew a waiver request.

CDE Specific Waiver DSIS 2016-18
CDE Specific Waiver Fairfield 2016-18
CDE Specific Waiver King 2016-18
VI.h. Approve Davis Teachers Association (DTA) Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2016
Recommended Motion:

Approve Davis Teachers Association (DTA) Salary Schedule that reflects an ongoing 2% increase effective July 1, 2016 negotiated in two year agreement starting in 2015-16.


Financial Impact:
This 2% salary increase is reflected in the current proposed budget for the Davis Joint Unified School District.  The cost to the General Fund for DTA employee salary increase is approximately $808,000 in 2016-17.

DTA Salary Schedules 16-17
VI.i. Approve the Notices of Completion for the Campus Wide Painting Projects at Willett and Pioneer Elementary School Sites
Recommended Motion:

Approve the Notices of Completion for the campus wide painting projects at Willett and Pioneer Elementary School sites (PN’s 16-07 C/D).


On March 17, 2016, the Board accepted bid proposals submitted by Horizon Brothers Painting and authorized the execution of contract agreements, and other acts relating to the campus wide painting projects for Willett and Pioneer Elementary School sites.   The contract award value for Pioneer Elementary School was in the amount of $62,150 and the contract award value for Willett Elementary School was in the amount of $57,150 which included $10,000 in project contingency. 

Horizon Brothers Painting has completed their contractual responsibilities, including punch list and has turned in all required close-out documents for the projects. Staff believes it is appropriate to approve the Notice of Completion at this time.

It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the Notices of Completion for the campus wide painting projects at Willett and Pioneer Elementary School sites.

Financial Impact:

This project was fully funded by the deferred maintenance program, paid for by the COP borrowing for restricted facilities funds specifically for these re-roofing projects.  Due to efficiencies and other unused project contingency value engineering changes, the total cost for the Campus Wide Painting Project at Willett Elementary School will decrease by $4,800 making the final price for this project $52,350.  Similarly, the cost for Campus Wide Painting Project at Pioneer Elementary School will decrease by $2,000 making the final price for this project $60,150.   The excess funding will revert back into the deferred maintenance program contingency fund for use on other approved projects.

1. Notice of Completion Pioneer Elementary School
2. Notice of Completion Willett Elementary School
3. Listing of Project Expenditures Pioneer Elementary School
4. Listing of Project Expenditures Willett Elementary School
VI.j. Adopt Resolution 54-16 for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Grant Application for Strong Anion Exchange Well Water Treatment System -- Fairfield Elementary School Cr6 Drinking Water Compliance Project
Recommended Motion:

Adopt Resolution 54-16 for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Grant Application for Strong Anion Exchange Well Water Treatment System -- Fairfield Elementary School Cr6 Drinking Water Compliance Project


The Davis Joint Unified School District has been working to address the Cr6 primary drinking water MCL exceedance situation with the Fairfield Elementary School water well since July 1, 2014 when the State adopted new drinking water standards for potable water containing Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6).  The District has been proactive in addressing this concern by testing the well supply to determine Cr6 levels, complying with regulation thresholds, and awarding an engineering consultant service agreement with Kennedy/Jenks Consultants with expertise to assist the District in finding the best solution.   Water Treatment Pilot testing is being conducted at the well to determine the most cost-effective water treatment system to design and construct improvements that will bring the water quality into compliance with the new Cr6 drinking water regulation. Staff has been working with the consultant to identify best available grant funding sources to address the concern and minimize any financial impacts to the District. 

On April 21, 2016, the Board of Education authorized submittal of a grant funding application to the SWRCB for drought and emergency based projects.  This application was considered for funding; however, was not awarded funding since inadequate funds were available to cover the District’s required cost of $540,000 for project design and construction costs.  Staff recommends submitting applications for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Construction Funds to cover the costs of the Fairfield Elementary School Cr6 compliance project.  Grant funds would be available now and pursuit of these funds would enable the District to complete the project during the FY16-17 school year.   It is essential that the District receive these grant funds for completing necessary well improvements in order to comply with recent regulatory water quality mandates and to minimize impacts to the General Fund.  Kennedy/Jenks Consultants has extensive experience in securing low interest loans and grant funds for a variety of water system improvements.   The DWSRF program has been allocated funds to address water quality problems and challenges School Districts encounter related to their private water systems.  Adequate funding is available in the State to cover the estimated costs of the Fairfield Elementary School Cr6 compliance project.


What are the chances the District would be awarded DWSRF Construction Funds for the Fairfield Elementary School Project?

Based on past approvals, the District’s application has a very high level of probability that it will be approved based on availability of State Program funds and the qualification of the District as a Small Water System and Severely Disadvantaged Community which receives the highest funding priority.

How long will it take to complete the project?

Securing DWSRF funds will take 3-4 months and project design and construction will take 6 months.  This time line would allow the District to complete the project during the FY16-17 school year.

What drinking water sources will be available to students, teachers, and visitors at Fairfield Elementary School while project funding and design/construction activities are completed?

The District will continue to provide bottled water for drinking water purposes until the Cr6 compliance improvements have been installed on the Fairfield Elementary School well site.

How will the District keep Staff and the Public updated on Project progress?

Staff will provide periodic updates to the Board, staff, and community members at the completion of key milestones.

As a requirement of this State Funding opportunity, staff recommends that the Board approve the attached resolution and Notice of Exemption to be submitted to the DWSRF funding program for their review and approval.   Due to the extensive State review of the engineering and project funding proposal, the expected system completion (if funding is approved) could take 10 months.  Currently, the Fairfield Campus is being served with bottled water for all domestic needs which will continue until project completion. The District’s proposed compliance plan development has been shared and supported by our local authority (Yolo County Environmental Health Department).  Compliance plan updates will be provided as required in accordance with the Cr6 drinking water regulation.

Action Required – To Secure Fairfield Elementary School Cr6 Compliance Project Funding

  1. Approve DWSRF funding resolution to authorize the District to apply for and secure project funding to take advantage of available grant funds for the proposed project.
  2. Approve the Notice of Exemption to be filed with the County and included in the DJUSD DWSRF funding application (CEQA compliance is required for funding award).

In accordance with the District’s Strategic Plan (Strategy No. 2(b), Action Step #1 b-d) & Local Control Accountability Plan (Goal 2) for Physical Space & Technology Infrastructure needs, various Facilities projects are required to achieve these objectives.

Financial Impact:

This project will have no fiscal impact on the General Fund.  The District intends to seek available grant funding sources from the State of California and other available sources (as required). Upon receipt of State application approval, any bridge funding for the project will be via Deferred Maintenance Funds for restricted facilities funds specifically for these types of projects.

1. SWRCB Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Information
2. Resolution 54-16 Authorizing District Staff to Pursue and Secure Grant Funding Application and Acceptance
VI.k. Adoption of Notice of Exemption for Domestic Water Well Treatment at Fairfield Elementary School
Recommended Motion:

Adopt the Notice of Exemption for the Domestic Water Well Treatment Project for Fairfield Elementary School


The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public Resources Code Sections 21080 et seq. requires the District, as the project proponent, to prepare a Notice of Exemption if the proposed “project” is determined not to have a significant effect on the environment.

The District’s proposed domestic water well treatment for Hexavalant Chromium (Cr6) at Fairfield Elementary School and has been determined to fall into the “Categorically Exempted” (Class 1, Section 15301(c) - PRC 21084) category as defined in the California Environmental Quality Act.  The proposed project will include site inspections, pump tests and sampling for constituents of concern, completion of necessary repairs and replacement of the pump and motor, necessary chemical treating and testing, and minor alteration to existing facilities for installation of a small scale Strong Based Anion exchange treatment system.


1. Notice of Exemption Declaration, Domestic Water Well Treatment Project, Fairfield Elementary School
2. Ariel Site Plan
VI.l. Accept Bid and Approve Awarding the Contract for Cesar Chavez Elementary School Staff Parking Lot Repair Project to Alaniz Construction, Inc. (PN 16-14)
Recommended Motion:

Accept the bid of Alaniz Construction, Inc. for repairs to staff parking lot work specified in District’s Project No. 16-14 located at Cesar Chavez Elementary School and award the contract to Alaniz Construction, Inc. in the amount of $210,000.


The work associated with repairs to the existing staff parking lot area include but are not limited to:  removal of existing asphalt paving, surface curb and gutters, installation of new commercial driveway and new sidewalk sections to correct ADA compliant access way for pedestrians. This project will improve drainage and provide for safer access to existing on-site parking stalls.

A notice inviting bids for the project was published on April 24 and May 1, 2016, for base bid scope of work with a bid submittal deadline of May 24, 2016 at 2:00 PM.  A total of (2) two prospective bidders attended the mandatory pre-bid walkthrough conducted on May 2, 2016.  After review of the two bid proposals, Alaniz Construction, Inc. was deemed the apparent low bid with a base bid price of $182,000 with a project contingency of $30,000 for a total price of $212,000.  The second apparent low bid was determined to be American Asphalt Repair & Resurfacing Co. with a base bid price of $201,310 with a project contingency of $30,000 for a total price of $231,310.  The Engineer’s estimate for this project was $233,000.

The District is committed to providing safe and healthy facilities for optimal learning conditions. This commitment is included in the District’s Strategic Plan (Strategy 2) and the Local Control Accountability Plan (Goal 2). 

Financial Impact:

This project will have no fiscal impact to the General Fund. This project is to be funded under the District’s Deferred Maintenance program, paid for by the COP’s borrowing for restricted facilities funds specifically for this project scope of work. Total Project Approval value is $212,000 for Base bid price plus project contingency.   

1. Bid Summary
2. District’s Award Agreement Form
3. Bid Form from Alaniz Construction, Inc.
4. District’s Approved Plans Prepared by L&M Civil Engineers
VI.m. Approve Agreement for Special Testing and Inspection Services with Wallace Kuhl & Associates (WKA) for Cesar Chavez Elementary School Staff Parking Lot Repair Project
Recommended Motion:

Approve Agreement for special testing and inspection services for Cesar Chavez Elementary School staff parking lot repair project.


Pursuant to Title 24, Part 1 of the California Code of Regulations, all construction activities on school buildings shall be monitored and inspected for conformance with  Division of the State Architects Office (DSA) approved plans and specifications. Wallace Kuhl & Associates has submitted proposals for this project to provide the required special testing and inspection services during construction to ensure compliance with the approved plans and specifications.  Staff has reviewed the proposals and found that they meet scope of work for the projects. 

The District is committed to providing safe and healthy facilities for optimal learning conditions. This commitment is included in the District’s Strategic Plan (Strategy 2) and the Local Control Accountability Plan (Goal 2).

Financial Impact:
This project will have no fiscal impact to the General Fund. The services outlined in the Agreement are based on a estimated fixed fee of $5,500 for Cesar Chavez Elementary School Parking Lot Repair Project.  The total estimated inspection services fee is not to exceed $6,000 and will be paid for by COP borrowing for restricted facilities funds specifically for these deferred maintenance projects
1. Agreements for Special Testing & Inspection Services with Wallace Kuhl & Associates (WKA
VI.n. Approve Consolidated Communications Agreement Amendment for Alternate Internet Connection
Recommended Motion:

Approve contract amendment with Consolidated Communications to provide an alternate 2Gig internet connection.


DJUSD requires a more robust and reliable internet connection to support the growing infrastructure that supports students and staff. This new connection will provide a redundant connection directly to the internet of 2Gig with the ability to increase to 10Gig. 

According to the LCAP, DJUSD is to develop an infrastructure to achieve its objectives and mission.  In order to support Common Core instruction, state testing, approximately double the number of Chromebooks, and the vast increase in use of instructional technology in classrooms, a bandwidth increase is critical.

Our connection with AT&T will remain intact for the financial and human resources systems provided by Yolo County Office of Education. 

Financial Impact:

The fiscal impact to the District is an increase of $1,950 per month after E-Rate.

Consolidated Communications, Amendment No. 3
VI.o. Approval of School Services of California, Inc. Agreement
Recommended Motion:

Approve the agreement between Davis Joint Unified School District and School Services of California, Inc. of $2,940 annually. 

School Services, Inc. will provide information relating to issues of school finance, legislation, school budgeting, and general fiscal issues.  District staff will receive publications containing information on practices that impact school district fiscal policies.  Additionally, staff and the Board will have access to the School Services internet website regarding major school finance and policy issues. 

Staff has reviewed the agreement and believes that the agreement provisions and the proposed cost are reasonable.  This agreement reflects a price increase of $180 over the previous agreement. It is recommended that the Board approve the contract for School Services of California, Inc. for the period of one year beginning July 1, 2016 and terminating June 30, 2017.

Financial Impact:

Included in the annual budget for business professional services at a cost of $2,940.

School Services of California, Inc. Agreement
VI.p. Ratification of Contracts and Agreements
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the contracts and agreements as presented.


Pursuant to Board Policy 3312 and California Education Code, all contracts and agreements need to be approved and ratified by the Board of Education.  The following are the current contracts and agreements which are being presented to the Board for ratification:

California Department of Education

California State University, Humboldt 

Campus Candids 

Yolo-Solano BTSA Induction Program

Airplay Events

Migrant Education - Region 2

Financial Impact:
All items are budgeted in their prospective department/program approved budget plans. The cost of each individual item is posted in attachments.

a. California Department of Education Grant
b. California State University, Humboldt
c. Campus Candids
d. Yolo-Solano BTSA Induction Program
e. Airplay Events-Emerson Junior High
f. Airplay Events-Holmes Junior High
g. Airplay Events- Harper Junior High
h. 2016-2017 Migrant Education-Region 2
VI.q. Review 2016-2017 Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Recommended Motion:

Review 2016-2017 Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) which have been approved by the submitting sites' School Site Councils.  No action is necessary at this time.  This item will come back to the Board for approval on June 16, 2016.  


Schools that receive state and federal categorical funding through the Consolidated Application process must annually develop a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The purpose of the SPSA goals and actions are to “improve the academic performance of all students to the level of the performance goals.”

The Single Plan for Student Achievement involves a cycle of continuous development, implementation and monitoring.  The following steps are completed at the site level in the development of a school plan: 

1. Measure effectiveness of improvement strategies at the school; 
2. Seek input from school advisory committee; 
3. Reaffirm or revise school goals; 
4. Revise improvement strategies and expenditures; 
5. Recommend the approved Single Plan for Student Achievement to the governing board; and 
6. Monitor the implementation of the plan.

Once approved by the Board of Education, a copy of each school's SPSA will be available for review on the DJUSD website and in the Educational Services Department at the District Office. The 2016-17 SPSAs have been approved for implementation by each site's School Site Council.

Financial Impact:
As described in each plan.
2016-17 SPSA Birch Lane
2016-17 SPSA Chavez
2016-17 SPSA DSHS
2016-17 SPSA DSIS
2016-17 SPSA Emerson
2016-17 SPSA Fairfield
2016-17 SPSA Harper
2016-17 SPSA Holmes
2016-17 SPSA King
2016-17 SPSA Korematsu
2016-17 SPSA Montgomery
2016-17 SPSA North Davis
2016-17 SPSA Patwin
2016-17 SPSA Pioneer
2016-17 SPSA Willett
VII.a. Approval of Employment Agreement for District Superintendent
Recommended Motion:

The employment contract will be available prior to approval.


On May 24 and 25, the Board of Education conducted interviews for the District superintendent position and identified a finalist. The Board is now in the final phase of its superintendent interview process and contract discussions.  During the June 2 Closed Session the Board will conclude its consideration of employment, and pending a positive outcome, a contract will be made available to the public prior to approval. 

Superintendent Contract-Bowes
VII.b. Presentation of Annual Funding from Davis School Arts Foundation
Recommended Motion:

Receive a grant from the Davis School Arts Foundation. 


Davis School Arts Foundation (DSAF) President, Tara Diel along with Rebecca Breitbard, Vice President, and Julie Cuetera, Treasurer, will present a check to the Davis Joint Unified School District in the amount of $24,530.62. The funds represent the contribution made in partnership with the Davis Joint Unified School District to support the ongoing efforts at the school sites to enhance and encourage the arts in the schools. The district matches the DSAF donation with funding and in-kind services. The combined DSAF, in-kind services and DJUSD funding of $51,300 was distributed to school sites and staff members who were awarded grants for the Arts Vision, Brunelle Harmony, Hershberger Visual and Performing Arts, Secondary Harmony Choral, and Watermelon Gumball Grants. These grants supported various projects in numerous classrooms across our schools. A binder is available in Instructional Services for viewing the project evaluation for these grants. 

Financial Impact:

These funds go directly to support Arts Education in the Davis School District. 

A. DSAF Contribution Sheet 2015-16
B. DSAF-DJUSD 2015-16 Final Budget
VII.c. DJUSD Parcel Tax
Recommended Motion:

Discuss final results and conclusions on polling and get Board direction on parcel tax terms, rate and duration. Review calendar of events, draft resolution and ballot text.


Currently, the DJUSD receives approximately $9.5 million dollars annually (roughly 12% of the annual budget) from local parcel taxes.  These parcel taxes allow the District to provide students a litany of services not fully covered through state funding alone. Our current measures sunset in June 2017. The Board has approved going forward with a continuing measure for the November 2016 General Election.  The Board must approve a tax resolution by June 30, 2016 to place a measure on the upcoming November ballot.

Under the recently adopted Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), DJUSD continues to be an average funded district for CA even with the local parcel tax funding.  The Board and community have an interest in maintaining and improving programs to support student learning opportunities.

Financial Impact:

The future financial impact of DJUSD parcel taxes is approximately $9.5 million in program funding.  Costs include the expense of developing the ballot measure including the cost of outreach and legal services, and the election cost for the ballot measure.

Current Parcel Tax Program
DRAFT Resolution
Parcel Tax Feasibility Study Presentation
Parcel Tax Program Additions
VII.d. Local Control Accountability Plan Update
Recommended Motion:

Hear an update on the development of the Local Control Accountability Plan for 2016-2019.


Throughout the 2015-16 school year, DJUSD staff has engaged stakeholders in the development of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).  This has included the LCAP Advisory; Instructional Services Advisory; District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC); Superintendent's Classified Employees Advisory; Superintendent's Certificated Advisory; and a variety of community meetings and forums.  Information has also been gathered through surveys and email communications.

Staff has also worked closely with the Yolo County Office of Education for consultation on design and structure of our LCAP so that our plan most appropriately maximizes impact on student programs and efficiently utilizes district staff.  To that end, staff has consolidated actions and services where overlap was identified.  Changes to the LCAP are documented in each goal in the Annual Update section.

Based on feedback from the Board of Education at the May 5, 2016 and the May 19, 2016 meetings and discussion at Superintendent's Cabinet, proposals aligned with the requirements for supplemental funding have been included in the attached draft of the LCAP.

The LCAP will come back to the Board of Education for a Public Hearing on June 16, 2016 and for consideration for approval on June 29, 2016.

Financial Impact:

None at this time.

a. LCAP Adoption Budget Planning
b. Strategic Plan and LCAP Meetings 2015-2016
c. DJUSD LCAP Increased Services
d. DJUSD LCAP Increased Supplemental Services
e. 2016-2017 DJUSD LCAP Increased Services List
f. 2016-2017 DJUSD LCAP Draft
g. LCAP Update to BOE June 2, 2016
VII.e. May Revision Budget Update
Recommended Motion:
Review and discuss the impact of the May Revise Budget Update. 


The updated State budget proposal has a slightly higher revenue projection for K-12 local district funding from the January proposal.

The Governor's budget continues to increase the proposed revenue to fund the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and pay back mandated cost claims as one-time discretionary funds.

For 2016-2017, the proposed budget contains funding for LCFF growth that calculates to an additional $2.8m of ongoing new funding next year. It also includes $1.8m of one-time discretionary funds that will support our needs for the implementation of curriculum standards and technology as presented in the Second Interim budget.

- The District has developed a spending plan for next year that addresses the following needs:

  • Employee compensation (2% negotiated salary schedule increases for 2016-2017)
  • Required (State/Local) Expenditures
    • Restricted Maintenance
    • Step and Column Increases
    • State Pension Cost Increases (STRS and PERS employer rates)
    • Supplemental Student Programs (LCAP specific)
    • Class Size

The 2015-2016 fiscal year was a high point in annual growth for K-12 education budgets from Proposition 30 temporary State taxes, increased local Prop 13 property taxes and Proposition 98 restoration due to past reductions (maintenance factor).  These two factors going forward will significantly slow down the high revenue growth we have seen in past years.  The May Revision is built on the assumption that no new revenues are on the horizon and the extension of Proposition 30 would simply allow the state to eliminate deficit spending, but will not provide new monies for new programs. If a recession occurs and Proposition 30 is not extended, state revenues could drop below prior-year levels, and cuts to education could be on the table again.  Fiscal caution is advised.

Staff will provide a summary report of the Governor's May revise and possible impacts on DJUSD. 

Financial Impact:

Impacts of State Budget changes for the DJUSD budget for the 2016-2017 school year.  Possible funding increase of $2.8m in LCFF funding and a $1.8m in one-time discretionary funding payment.

a. May Budget Revise Update 2016
b. SSC Reserves Article April 2016
c. SSC Reserves Article May 2016
d. Early Education Block Grant
e. YCOE - The Yolo Common Message May Revise 2016
VII.f. Public Hearing: Measure C Tax Rate, 2016-2017
Recommended Motion:

Hold Public Hearing to receive comments regarding the 2016-2017 Measure C tax rate.

In March 2012, the District's voters approved an annual tax of $150.00 per unit for multi-dwelling units and $320.00 per parcel for all other parcels to augment the financing for certain school programs.  The resolution authorizing the tax (copy attached) calls for a public hearing prior to the assessment of the tax each fiscal year.  

The rate was adjusted 2.2% (California Price Index) in 2013-2014 in accordance with the Parcel Tax Measure’s adjustment for annual inflation.  The adjustment increased the annual tax from $150.00 to $153.30 per unit for multi-dwelling units and $320.00 to $327.04 per parcel for all other parcels which are the current rates. Rates were not adjusted for annual inflation in the 2014-15 and the 2015-16 fiscal year.

The district has the authority to increase the rates based on the latest California Price Index figures.  The rates can be increased by 2.6% to $157.29 per unit for multi-dwelling units and $335.54 per parcel for all other parcels. 

Financial Impact:
Possible increase in local parcel tax revenue of approximately $165,000.  

California Consumer Price Indices, May 2016
Resolution 35-12, Measure C
VII.g. Approval of Measure C Tax Rate, 2016-2017
Recommended Motion:

Approve the parcel tax rates for Measure C. 


As indicated in the Public Hearing, under the provisions of the resolution setting forth the specifications of the Measure C parcel tax, the Board of Education must conduct a public hearing and then approve the tax rate annually.  The public hearing was held on June 2, 2016 prior to the Board action.

The current projected revenue for the 2016-2017 fiscal year is approximately $6.4 million and does not include any rate changes.

The current parcel tax (Measure C) rates are $153.30 per unit for multi-dwelling units and $327.04 per parcel for all other parcels.

The Board of Education can approve the parcel tax (Measure C) rates up to $157.29 per unit for multi-dwelling units and $335.54 per parcel for all other parcels.

Financial Impact:

Possible increase in local parcel tax revenue of approximately $165,000.


VII.h. Public Hearing: Measure E Tax Rate, 2016-2017
Recommended Motion:

Hold Public Hearing to receive comments regarding the 2016-2017 Measure E tax rate.


In November 2012, the District's voters approved an annual tax of $20.00 per dwelling unit for multi-dwelling parcels and $204.00 per parcel for all other parcels, to augment the financing for certain school programs.  The resolution authorizing the tax (copy attached) calls for a public hearing prior to the assessment of the tax each fiscal year.  

Due to a court decision, Resolution No. 24-14 was passed in August 2013 (copy attached) authorizing an annual tax of $204.00 per parcel of taxable real property.

The district has the authority to increase the rate in accordance with the Parcel Tax Measure’s adjustment for annual inflation based on the latest California Price Index figures.  Rates were not adjusted for annual inflation in the 2014-15 and the 2015-16 fiscal year.

The current rate can be increased by 2.6% to $209.30 per parcel of taxable real property.

Financial Impact:

Possible increase in local parcel tax revenue of approximately $80,000. 

California Consumer Price Indices, May 2016
Resolution 24-14, Measure E
Resolution 59-12, Measure E
VII.i. Approval of Measure E Tax Rate, 2016-2017
Recommended Motion:

Approve the parcel tax rate for Measure E.


As indicated in the Public Hearing, under the provisions of the resolution setting forth the specifications of the Measure E parcel tax, the Board of Education must conduct a public hearing and then approve the tax rate annually.  The public hearing was held on June 2, 2016 prior to the Board action.

The current projected revenue for the 2016-2017 fiscal year is approximately $3.1 million and does not include any rate change.

The current parcel tax (Measure E) rate is $204.00 per parcel of taxable real property.

The Board of Education can approve the parcel tax (Measure E) rate up to $209.30 per parcel of taxable real property.

Financial Impact:

Possible increase in local parcel tax revenue of approximately $80,000.

VII.j. Public Hearing: Community Facilities District No. 1 Tax Rate, 2016-2017
Recommended Motion:
Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the tax rate adjustment for Community Facilities District No. 1.


Under the provisions of the resolution establishing Community Facilities District No. 1 (CFD No. 1), the Board of Education is granted the authority to adjust the CFD No. 1 tax rate by a maximum of 4.63% per annum.  The purpose of the hearing is to allow the public to comment on the proposed adjustment of 4.63% to the current CFD No. 1 tax rate of $207.72.  The proposed rate when adjusted would amount to $217.33 per special tax unit. 

Subsequent to the public hearing, the Board of Education will be asked, as a separate action, to approve the change in the tax rate.

Financial Impact:
There is no impact to the General Fund.  Estimated revenue increase to restricted Facilities District Fund is $200,000 to be used for debt service payments.

VII.k. Approval of Community Facilities District No. 1 Tax Rate, 2016-2017
Recommended Motion:

Approve the proposed adjustment of 4.63% to the current community Facilities District No. 1 tax rate which, when adjusted, will amount to $217.33 per special tax unit.


As indicated in the Public Hearing regarding the proposed adjustment, under the provisions of the resolution establishing Community Facilities District No. 1 (CFD No. 1), the Board of Education is granted the authority to adjust the CFD No. 1 tax rate by a maximum of 4.63% per annum.  The proposed rate when adjusted would amount to $217.33 per special tax unit.  In accordance with the resolution establishing CFD No. 1, a public hearing has already been held to provide opportunity for public comments. 

A Facilities Plan has been discussed and approved in prior public Board meetings.  The projected cost components are based on an estimated revenue stream from CFD No. 1.  This revenue stream is estimated with full appreciation of the tax rate during the life span of the Facilities Plan. 

The projected tax revenue stream has been encumbered to cover outstanding debt obligations.

It is requested that the Board of Education approve the adjustment of the tax rate levied by CFD No. 1.

Financial Impact:
There is no impact to the General Fund.  Estimated revenue increase to restricted Facilities District Fund is $200,000 to be used for debt service payments.

VII.l. Public Hearing: Community Facilities District No. 2 Tax Rate, 2016-2017
Recommended Motion:
Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the tax rate adjustment for Community Facilities District No. 2.


Under the provisions of the resolution establishing Community Facilities District No. 2 (CFD No. 2), the Board of Education is granted the authority to adjust the CFD No. 2 tax rates by a maximum of 4.63% per annum.  The purpose of the hearing is to allow the public to comment on the proposed adjustment of 4.63% to the current CFD No. 2 tax rate of $.6200 per square foot of space for residential property and $.0930 per square foot of commercial property.  The proposed adjustment would increase the rates to $.6487 per square foot of assessable space for future residential property and $.0973 per square foot of chargeable covered and enclosed space for future commercial and industrial property. 

Subsequent to the public hearing, the Board of Education will be asked, as a separate action, to approve the change in the tax rate

Financial Impact:

There is no impact to the General Fund.  Increased tax rate only impacts annexed developments that have not been built and assessed.  Revenue will support future facility costs.

VII.m. Approval of Community Facilities District No. 2 Tax Rate, 2016-2017
Recommended Motion:

Approve the proposed adjustment of 4.63% to the current Community Facilities District No. 2 tax rates which, when adjusted, will amount to $.6487 per square foot of assessable space for residential property and $.0973 per square foot of chargeable space for commercial and industrial property.


As indicated in the Public Hearing regarding the proposed adjustment, under the provisions of the resolution establishing Community Facilities District No. 2 (CFD No. 2), the Board of Education is granted the authority to adjust the CFD No. 2 tax rates by a maximum of 4.63% per annum.  The purpose of the hearing was to allow the public to comment on the proposed adjustment of 4.63% to the current CFD No. 2 tax rate of $.6200 per square foot of space for residential property and $.0930 per square foot of commercial property.  The proposed adjustment would increase the rates to $.6487 per square foot of assessable space for residential property and $.0973 per square foot of chargeable covered and enclosed space for commercial and industrial property. 

A Facilities Plan has been discussed and approved in prior public Board meetings.  The projected cost components are based on an estimated revenue stream from CFD No. 2.  This revenue stream is estimated with full appreciation of the tax rate during the life span of the Facilities Plan. 

It is requested that the Board of Education approve the adjustment of the tax rate levied by CFD No. 2.

Financial Impact:
There is no impact to the General Fund.  Increased tax rate only impacts annexed developments that have not been built and assessed.  Revenue will support future facility costs.

The calendar is a fluid, working document used by the Board President and Superintendent in support of the Board conducting efficient and effective Board meetings. Changes in the date of future agenda items occur frequently to best fit Board items into the time parameters of Board meetings and District priorities.
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The next meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for June 16, 2016. The Board will convene in open session, and immediately thereafter adjourn to closed session at 5:30 p.m. in the Susan B. Anthony Administration Building at 526 B Street, Davis, California. The Board will reconvene in open session at approximately 7:00 p.m. in the Community Chambers at 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis, California.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

In compliance with the Brown Act regulations, Penny Pyle legally posted this agenda on May 27, 2016.

In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to access the Board meeting room or to otherwise participate during this meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact the Superintendent's Office at (530) 757-5300 ext. 142. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Board meeting.

The Board meeting will be televised live on cable television on DJUSD Education Channel 17. Streaming video of this meeting is also available at: DJUSD Board Meeting.

Agenda Packets are available for review at the Davis Joint Unified School District office, 526 B Street (530-757-5300 x 142); or online at


The resubmit was successful.