
Regular Meeting
Davis Joint USD
September 05, 2019 5:00PM
Closed Session - 5:00 p.m., South Conference Room, 526 B Street; Open Session - 7:00 p.m., Community Chambers, 23 Russell Boulevard Davis, CA 95616

Mission Statement:
The mission of Davis Joint Unified School District, a leading center of educational innovation, is to ignite a love of learning and equip each student with the knowledge, skills, character, and well-being to thrive and contribute to an evolving and increasingly-connected world, through a system characterized by: - Optimal conditions and environments for all students to learn - A team of talented, resourceful, and caring staff - Transforming teaching, learning, and operations in our continuing pursuit of excellence - Resourceful, transparent, and responsible fiscal planning, - A diverse and inclusive culture
II. CLOSED SESSION (Note location at top of agenda)
II.a. Discussion and Possible Action on Personnel Listed on the Consent Calendar for Personnel Employment/Status/ActionsConfidential agenda item.
II.b. Conference with Agency Negotiator, Matt Best, Regarding Collective Bargaining: DTA and CSEAConfidential agenda item.
II.c. Consider Whether to Hear an Employee Appeal of a Parent Complaint, Government Code Section 54957Confidential agenda item.
III.a. Open Session Call to Order (Note location at top of agenda)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
It is anticipated the Board will reconvene in open session at 7:00 p.m.
III.b. Patriotic Observance
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Board Member Cindy Pickett will lead those attending the meeting in a patriotic observance.

III.c. Roll Call
III.d. Announcement of any Decisions Made in Closed Session
III.e. Approval of Agenda
IV.a. Superintendent's Communications
IV.b. DTA Communications
IV.c. CSEA Communications
IV.d. Announcements from Board Members/Board Liaisons
IV.e. Student Board Representative Announcements
Quick Summary / Abstract:

In the interest of conducting the business of public education in a timely manner, there is a two or three-minute limit per individual speaker which, at the discretion of the board president, may be modified depending on the number of speakers.  A maximum of thirty (30) minutes for the comment period may be imposed.

In order to maintain a respectful public forum, members of the audience will please limit applause to occasions of student performance, employee recognition, and significant community contributions which are celebrated by everyone present.

During this public comment period, the law does not allow the Board of Education to take action on any item not explicitly posted on the agenda in advance.  However, Board members may ask for clarification, refer concerns to staff, and/or request that an item be placed on a future agenda. 

VI.a. Certificated Personnel Report No. 03-20
Recommended Motion:

Approve Certificated Personnel Report No. 03-20 that covers 3 Employments, 5 Temporary Employments, 5 Temporary FTE Increases, 3 Resignations, 2 Coaching Variable Services Agreements and possible addendum covering 10 Employments and 10 Coaching Variable Services Agreements.

The personnel actions requested in this report are essential to meet the goals and mission of the Davis Joint Unified School District. 

Financial Impact:
The personnel actions are budgeted for in the Davis Joint Unified School District Adopted Budget or expressly approved by the Board of Education in open session. 

Certificated Personnel Report 03-20
Certificated Personnel Report No 03-20 Addendum A
VI.b. Classified Personnel Report No. 03-20
Recommended Motion:

Approve Classified Personnel Report No. 03-20 that covers 3 Employments, 1 FTE Increase, 1 Promotion, 10 Resignations, 6 Partial Resignations, 9 Coaching Variable Services Agreements and possible addendum covering 25 Employments, 5 Resignations, 25 Coaching Variable Services Agreements.

The personnel actions requested in this report are essential to meet the goals and mission of the Davis Joint Unified School District. 

Financial Impact:
The personnel actions are budgeted for in the Davis Joint Unified School District Adopted Budget or expressly approved by the Board of Education in open session. 

Certificated Personnel Report No 03-20 Addendum A
Classified Personnel Report 03-20
VI.c. Approval of Minutes
05-16-19 Minutes
06-06-19 Minutes
VI.d. Approve Job Descriptions for Interpreter-Translator and District Enrollment Specialist
Recommended Motion:

Approve the job descriptions for Enrollment Specialist and Interpreter-Translator.


A copy of the job descriptions are attached.  These are new positions within Davis Joint Unified School District.  The job descriptions were developed after a review of similar jobs in several districts in the region.

Financial Impact:

There is no financial impact for these documents. 

District Enrollment Specialist Job Description
Interpreter-Translator Job Description
VI.e. Approval of Purchase Order Reports
Recommended Motion:
Accept purchase order reports as presented. 


Per Board Policy 3300, the Clerk of the Board shall review and report to the Board all transactions entered into by the Superintendent or designee on behalf of the Board every 60 days. (Education Code 17605.)

These reports cover the periods from June 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 and July 1, 2019 and July 31, 2019.

Financial Impact:
There is no fiscal impact by this action.  This report represents all financial transactions entered into by the Superintendent or designee according to the Board approved budget.

a. June 2019 Purchase Order Report
b. July 2019 Purchase Order Report
VI.f. Approval of Commercial Warrant Reports
Recommended Motion:
Accept commercial warrant reports as presented.


Per Board Policy 3300, the Clerk of the Board shall review and report to the Board all transactions entered into by the Superintendent or designee on behalf of the Board every 60 days.  (Education Code 17605.)

These reports cover the periods from June 1 to June 30, 2019, and July 1 to July 31, 2019.

Financial Impact:
There is no fiscal impact by this action.  This report represents all financial transactions entered into by the Superintendent or designee according to the Board approved budget.

a. June 2019 Commercial Warrant Report
b. July 2019 Commercial Warrant Report
VI.g. Approval and Ratification of Contracts and Agreements
Recommended Motion:
Approve and ratify the contracts and agreements as presented.

Pursuant to Board Policy 3312 and California Education Code, all contracts and agreements need to be approved and ratified by the Board of Education.  The current contracts which are being presented to the Board are listed in the attachment section below.  Additional contract(s) may be included prior to the meeting.

Financial Impact:
All items are budgeted in their respective department/program approved budget plans. The cost of each individual item is posted in attachments.

All West Coachlines Agreement - DSHS Cross Country Mt. SAC
All West Coachlines Agreement-DSHS Field Hockey
American Airlines Agreement
Big Picture Learning
California State University CalState TEACH Program MOU - Interns
California State University CalState TEACH Program MOU -Student Teachers
Charter School Application for CalSTRS Activation
Children's Therapy Center
City of Davis and Davis Media Access
Computer Learning Center Wifi Installation
Continuing Development Inc., Agreement
Dell Marketing L.P. Agreement - TechDirect
Hotel Edison Agreement - DSHS
Imperial County Office of Education Letter of Agency
Jet Blue Airways Agreement - Jazz Choir
Kajeet Services Inc. Agreement
Learning Solutions Kids, Inc. Agreement
Michael's Transportation Agreement
Music to Grow On Agreement
Professional Tutors of America, Inc., Agreement
Regents of UC Davis
Regina Rosenzweig Agreement - Patwin
School Steps, Inc. Agreement
Small Wonders Pediatric Occupational Therapy Agreement
United CA Capital Region
YCOE Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding - Head Start
Yolo County Housing Cost Reimbursement Agreement
Yolo County Office of Education MOU - Facility Use
VII.a. Improving Employee Compensation
Recommended Motion:

Trustees will continue a discussion about placing a Parcel Tax for Employee Compensation Resolution slated for a future 2020 ballot.


In order to close the compensation gap for all employees, the Board of Education and District staff are committed to the following actions:

  1. Improving efficient operations
  2. Maximizing state funding (i.e. improving attendance, exploring state funding increases, etc)
  3. Committed to making Strategic Reductions
  4. Looking for ways to increase the amount of take-home dollars for employees
  5. Raising local revenue

VII.b. Public Hearing Regarding Composition of Trustee Areas
Recommended Motion:

Consider public input regarding the composition of the Trustee areas prior to drawing draft maps of the proposed boundaries of the Trustee areas.    


At the Board meeting of May 16, 2019, the Board adopted Resolution No. 41-19 directing the Superintendent and/or his designee, among other things, to initiate the process of changing the method of electing members of the Board, from the current at-large system whereby each member of the Board is elected by the registered voters of the entire District (Education Code section 5030(a)), to a method which provides that Board members residing in each trustee area will be elected by the registered voters of that particular trustee area (Education Code 5030(b)), in sufficient time for the new method of electing members of the Board to be in place for the November 2020 election.

Elections Code section 10010(a)(1) requires the District to hold at least two public hearings to invite community input regarding the composition of the Trustee areas over a period not to exceed 30 days. “Composition of the Trustee areas” includes factors such as visible natural and man-made geographical and topographical features, communities of interest, jurisdictional boundaries and population growth.

Elections Code section 10010(a)(1) encourages political subdivisions to conduct outreach to the public, including to non-English-speaking communities, to explain the redistricting process and to encourage public participation. As such, the District has made notices regarding the process available in Spanish. To encourage public participation, the District has reached out to the public via social media and added a link to its website regarding the transition process. Updates and resources regarding the transition process will be posted on District social media and/or the website.

After the public hearings are held, draft maps of the trustee areas may be drawn for consideration by the public and the Board.

DJUSD Pre-Map Public Hearing Presentation

The calendar is a fluid, working document used by the Board President and Superintendent in support of the Board conducting efficient and effective Board meetings. Changes in the date of future agenda items occur frequently to best fit Board items into the time parameters of Board meetings and District priorities.  

BOE Agenda Calendar 2019-20 rev 08-30-19
Quick Summary / Abstract:

The next meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for September 19, 2019. The Board will convene in open session, and immediately thereafter adjourn to closed session at 5:30 p.m. in the Susan B. Anthony Administration Building at 526 B Street, Davis, California. The Board will reconvene in open session at approximately 7:00 p.m. in the Community Chambers at 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis, California. 

Quick Summary / Abstract:

In compliance with the Brown Act regulations, Monica Roque legally posted this agenda on August 30, 2019.

In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to access the Board meeting room or to otherwise participate during this meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact the Superintendent's Office at (530) 757-5300 ext. 142. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Board meeting.

The Board meeting will be televised live on cable television on DJUSD Education Channel 17. Streaming video of this meeting is also available at: DJUSD Board Meeting.

Agenda Packets are available for review at the Davis Joint Unified School District office, 526 B Street (530-757-5300 x 142); or online at

Published: August 30, 2019, 4:56 PM

The resubmit was successful.