
Regular Meeting
Davis Joint USD
April 04, 2019 5:30PM
Closed Session - 5:30 p.m., South Conference Room, 526 B Street; Open Session - 7:00 p.m., Community Chambers, 23 Russell Boulevard Davis, CA 95616

Mission Statement:
The mission of Davis Joint Unified School District, a leading center of educational innovation, is to ignite a love of learning and equip each student with the knowledge, skills, character, and well-being to thrive and contribute to an evolving and increasingly-connected world, through a system characterized by: - Optimal conditions and environments for all students to learn - A team of talented, resourceful, and caring staff - Transforming teaching, learning, and operations in our continuing pursuit of excellence - Resourceful, transparent, and responsible fiscal planning, - A diverse and inclusive culture
II. CLOSED SESSION (Note location at top of agenda)
II.a. Discussion and Possible Action on Personnel Listed on the Consent Calendar for Personnel Employment/Status/ActionsConfidential agenda item.
II.b. Conference with Agency Negotiator, Matt Best, Regarding Collective Bargaining: DTA and CSEAConfidential agenda item.
III.a. Open Session Call to Order (Note location at top of agenda)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
It is anticipated the Board will reconvene in open session at 7:00 p.m.
III.b. Patriotic ObservanceWas edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Board Member Tom Adams will lead those attending the meeting in a patriotic observance.

III.c. Roll Call
III.d. Announcement of any Decisions Made in Closed Session
III.e. Approval of Agenda
IV.a. Superintendent's Communications
IV.b. DTA Communications
IV.c. CSEA Communications
IV.d. Announcements from Board Members/Board Liaisons
IV.e. Student Board Representative Announcements
Quick Summary / Abstract:

In the interest of conducting the business of public education in a timely manner, there is a two or three-minute limit per individual speaker which, at the discretion of the board president, may be modified depending on the number of speakers.  A maximum of thirty (30) minutes for the comment period may be imposed.

In order to maintain a respectful public forum, members of the audience will please limit applause to occasions of student performance, employee recognition, and significant community contributions which are celebrated by everyone present.

During this public comment period, the law does not allow the Board of Education to take action on any item not explicitly posted on the agenda in advance.  However, Board members may ask for clarification, refer concerns to staff, and/or request that an item be placed on a future agenda. 

VI.a. Approve Certificated Personnel Report No. 16-19
Recommended Motion:

Certificated Personnel Report No. 16-19 covers 2 Leaves of Absence, 4 Partial Leaves of Absence, 9 Reduced Workloads Leave of Absence, and 1 Resignation.

The personnel actions requested in this report are essential to meet the goals and mission of the Davis Joint Unified School District. 

The personnel actions requested in this report are essential to meet the goals and mission of the Davis Joint Unified School District. 

The personnel actions requested in this report are essential to meet the goals and mission of the Davis Joint Unified School District. 

Financial Impact:
The personnel actions are budgeted for in the Davis Joint Unified School District Adopted Budget or expressly approved by the Board of Education in open session. 

The personnel actions are budgeted for in the Davis Joint Unified School District Adopted Budget or expressly approved by the Board of Education in open session. 

The personnel actions are budgeted for in the Davis Joint Unified School District Adopted Budget or expressly approved by the Board of Education in open session. 

Certificated Personnel Report No. 16-19
VI.b. Approve Classified Personnel Report No. 15-19
Recommended Motion:

Classified Personnel Report No. 15-19 covers 11 Employments, 1 FTE Increase, 1 Promotion, 5 Resignations, 1 Retirement, 2 Variable Services Agreements-Coaching and possible addendum covering 15 Variable Services Agreements - Coaching..

The personnel actions requested in this report are essential to meet the goals and mission of the Davis Joint Unified School District. 

Financial Impact:

The personnel actions are budgeted for in the Davis Joint Unified School District Adopted Budget or expressly approved by the Board of Education in open session. 

Classified Personnel Report 15-19
Classified Report No. 15-19 - Addendum A
VI.c. Approval of Minutes
VI.d. Approval of Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators
Recommended Motion:
Approve the "Declaration of Need" for Fully Qualified Educators form in the event we need teachers to provide services in areas indicated on the form. 


The Declaration of Need for Qualified Educators is an annual process which is guided by California Code of Regulations, Title 5, and requires all school districts that may need to use emergency permit teachers to estimate the number of emergency permits that may be needed in the upcoming school year. The estimate must be made public at the local governing board meeting. The estimate and governing board approval are sent to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing in an annual "Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators."  If a current "Declaration of Need" is not on file with the Commission, no emergency permits will be issued for use in the school district for that year. 

The information listed on the Declaration of Need form (Attachment 1) represents estimates based on previous years’ actual needs and on enrollment projections for 2019-2020. If new information develops and the need should arise to seek emergency permits in areas not listed on the form, then the district may submit that information at a later time and the Commission would be able to grant emergency permits in those areas. 

It should be emphasized that these permits would only be sought in emergency cases. For example, it may be necessary to fill a position that may come open immediately preceding the opening of school or during the school year. In the high percentages of cases, the district is able to fill positions with fully-credentialed certificated personnel through the established recruitment and hiring process.

Financial Impact:

The Declaration does not impact the General or Restricted Funds.

Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators
VI.e. Approve Letter of Support for A.B. 428
Recommended Motion:

To provide a letter in support of Assembly Bill (AB) 428 (Medina), which proposes equalizing and increasing AB 602, providing funding for preschoolers with disabilities, and additional funding for students with the most costly needs.


We concur with several of the findings contained in the 2015 California Special Education Task Force report and recommendations from the Legislative Analyst’s Office, which acknowledge the significant Special Education program fiscal challenges faced by school agencies and provide recommendations and actions to improve the system and student outcomes. Both reports include these indisputable facts:

  • Special Education expenditures have increased faster than Special Education funding
  • Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) base rates are not equitable throughout the state
  • The state needs to better support local infant and preschool Special Education programs

AB 428 would address several of these key fiscal issues, including addressing Special Education funding equity by:

  • Leveling up base AB 602 funding rates to the 95th percentile over a five-year period
  • Establishing a funding formula within AB 602 for programs serving preschoolers with disabilities
  • Amending the current AB 602 formula to allow school districts the ability to calculate a declining enrollment adjustment based on individual school district average daily attendance (ADA) instead of aggregated SELPA ADA

Additionally, AB 428 provides a mechanism within AB 602 that provides additional funding for students with significant high-cost disabilities.

All school agencies grapple with increasing mandated Special Education expenditures and decreasing state and federal funding. We believe the changes proposed in AB 428 would assist every school agency to help them meet the educational needs of students with disabilities.

Financial Impact:


Letter of Support for AB 428
VI.f. Quarterly Report on Williams Uniform Complaints
Recommended Motion:

Accept for information the quarterly report on the Williams Uniform Complaints from the Davis Joint Unified School District staff.


The Williams Uniform Complaint requires that all school districts report to their governing board and to the County Offices of Education on a quarterly basis.  Ed Code 35186(d) states “A school district shall report summarized data on the nature and resolution of all complaints on a quarterly basis to the county superintendent of schools and the governing board of the school district.  The summaries shall be publicly reported on a quarterly basis at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing board of the school district.  The report shall include the number of complaints by general subject area with the number of resolved and unresolved complaints.  The complaints and written responses shall be available as public records.”

 The quarter report is attached.  This form reflects only the required reporting elements.

Williams Uniform Complaints Quarterly Report
VI.g. Adopt the Notice of Exemption for the Birch Lane Elementary School Multipurpose Room Project for the Purposes of CEQA
Recommended Motion:

Adopt the CEQA Notice of Exemption for the Multipurpose Room Project at Birch Lane Elementary School 


The proposed new multipurpose room will be a school structure with substantially the same purpose as the current MPR.  The new structure will incorporate site access and systems improvements to comply with State regulations.

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public Resources Code Sections 21080 et seq. requires the District, as the project proponent, to comply with certain environmental impact documentation.  The required documentation is based on the specific nature of each proposed project.

Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Chapter 3, Article 19, provides for categorical exemptions for classes of projects which have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and which shall, therefore, be exempt from the provisions of CEQA. 

Section 15314 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Chapter 3, Article 19 provide a categorical CEQA exemption for the minor additions to existing schools within existing school grounds where the addition does not increase original student capacity by more than 25% or ten classrooms, whichever is less.  The proposed multipurpose room project will not increase original student capacity by more than 25% or ten classrooms and is therefore categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA.

1. Notice of Exemption Declaration
VI.h. Adopt the Notice of Exemption for the César Chávez Elementary School Multipurpose Room Project, for the Purposes of CEQA
Recommended Motion:

Adopt the CEQA Notice of Exemption for the Multipurpose Room Project at César Chávez Elementary School


The proposed new multipurpose room will be a school structure with substantially the same purpose as the current MPR.  The new structure will incorporate site access and systems improvements to comply with State regulations.

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public Resources Code Sections 21080 et seq. requires the District, as the project proponent, to comply with certain environmental impact documentation.  The required documentation is based on the specific nature of each proposed project.

Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Chapter 3, Article 19, provides for categorical exemptions for classes of projects which have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and which shall, therefore, be exempt from the provisions of CEQA. 

Section 15314 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Chapter 3, Article 19 provide a categorical CEQA exemption for the minor additions to existing schools within existing school grounds where the addition does not increase original student capacity by more than 25% or ten classrooms, whichever is less.  The proposed multipurpose room project will not increase original student capacity by more than 25% or ten classrooms and is therefore categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA.

1. Notice of Exemption Declaration
VI.i. Ratification of Contracts and Agreements for Measure M Bond Projects
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the contracts for the bond projects as presented.

Pursuant to Board Policy 3312 and California Education Code, all contracts and agreements need to be approved and ratified by the Board of Education.  The current contracts which are being presented to the Board are listed in the attachment section below.  Additional contract(s) may be included prior to the meeting.

Financial Impact:
All items are included in the Facilities Master Plan and approved Measure M bond priorities.  The cost of each individual agreement is posted in the attachment, and allocated in the Building Fund from Measure M bond revenue.

B & B Locating, Inc. Agreement
VI.j. Ratification of Contracts and Agreements
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the contracts and agreements as presented.

Pursuant to Board Policy 3312 and California Education Code, all contracts and agreements need to be approved and ratified by the Board of Education.  The current contracts which are being presented to the Board are listed in the attachment section below.  Additional contract(s) may be included prior to the meeting.

Financial Impact:
All items are budgeted in their respective department/program approved budget plans. The cost of each individual item is posted in attachments.

a. Paul Hanks Agreement
b. Joe Harper Agreement
c. J-Walt Construction Agreement
d. Lifetouch National School Studios Agreement - Montgomery
e. The National Center for College and Career Transitions (NC3T) Agreement
f. National Equity Project Agreement
g. Nature's Classroom Institute Agreement
h. Gary Staves Agreement
i. The Lodge @ Odd Fellows Hall Rental Agreement
j. University of North Texas MOU
VII.a. Secondary Course Approval
Recommended Motion:

Staff recommends Board Approval of the attached 2019-20 course offering for Da Vinci Charter Academy.  


On an annual basis, the Board of Education reviews staff-recommended additions and changes to the District’s secondary program.  The following addition is being recommended by the staff for Board Approval:

Transitions to Quantitative Reasoning (TQR).

The Transition to Quantitative Reasoning (TQR) course was developed to better prepare college and career-bound high school seniors with the 21st Century skills necessary to meet the mathematical thinking and problem-solving expectations of higher education courses and workplace requirements.  Through a collective impact model, Region 3 approaches student learning through intersegmental partnership agreements that include Sacramento State University, the local community colleges, county offices of education, and feeder high school districts.  The success of the TQR stems from the fact that it is not only a living curriculum and pedagogy that is designed to meet the immediate needs of high school seniors, but it also embodies the structural flexibility to be informed by the vibrant intersegmental professional learning communities.  Essentially, the partnership structure affords each educational segment the opportunity to collaboratively define the challenges around preparation in mathematics while providing the foundation to forge better-aligned instructional practices across schools, colleges, and universities for the success of our students.

The DJUSD Board of Education approved this course as EAP Math for Seniors in 2016.  Following the approval Sacramento State submitted two courses to UCOP; EAP as a math course and EAP as an elective.  In Spring 2019 the name was changed to Qualitative Reasoning with Advanced Math Topics (QRAT) for the Senior class of 2020 in order to better reflect course content; Da Vinci Charter Academy is requesting approval of the course as a "g" elective.  The Region 3 authors of the course differentiate the two as being for Seniors pursuing a STEM pathway (QRAT) or STEM-Optional Pathway (TQR).

Financial Impact:

None at this time.

Quick Summary / Abstract:

Transitions to Quantitative Reasoning Course Proposal
VII.b. Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Update
Recommended Motion:

Review the Plan Summary portions of the DJUSD Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). This will include a brief overview of DJUSD demographics, review of progress against District goals, identified student performance needs and gaps. The Stakeholder Engagement portion includes a review of efforts to engage certificated, classified, and parent/guardian feedback for potential revisions to the 2019-2020 LCAP.

This is an informational item, and no action is required. 


The Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) was approved in June of 2017 as a three year document.  The goals, actions, services, and budget are written to address the needs of our unduplicated students.

Staff is responsible for simultaneously implementing the plan and reviewing progress on actions, services, and spending.  The Instructional Services team also uses progress indicators like the California School Dashboard, YouthTruth, and stakeholder feedback to analyze impact and suggest revisions from year to year.

The LCAP document will be shared in segments over three public meetings:  First, the Plan Summary; second, the Annual Update; and third, the Goals/Actions/Expenditures for 2019-2020.

Financial Impact:
None at this time.

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Update
VII.c. Improving Employee Compensation
Recommended Motion:

Trustees will continue a discussion about placing a Parcel Tax for Employee Compensation Resolution slated for a future 2020 ballot.

Trustees will also consider a professional services contract for potential polling and strategy consulting for a Parcel Tax for Employee Compensation.






In order to close the compensation gap for all employees, the Board of Education and District staff are committed to the following actions:

  1. Improving efficient operations

  2. Maximizing state funding (i.e. improving attendance, exploring state funding increases, etc)

  3. Committed to making Strategic Reductions

  4. Looking for ways to increase the amount of take-home dollars for employees

  5. Raising local revenue

The attachments will be provided closer to the Board of Education meeting date.

EMC Research Proposed Scope of Work
Parcel Tax Subcommittee Presentation

The calendar is a fluid, working document used by the Board President and Superintendent in support of the Board conducting efficient and effective Board meetings. Changes in the date of future agenda items occur frequently to best fit Board items into the time parameters of Board meetings and District priorities.  

Quick Summary / Abstract:

The next meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for April 18, 2019. The Board will convene in open session, and immediately thereafter adjourn to closed session at 5:30 p.m. in the Susan B. Anthony Administration Building at 526 B Street, Davis, California. The Board will reconvene in open session at approximately 7:00 p.m. in the Community Chambers at 23 Russell Boulevard, Davis, California. 

Quick Summary / Abstract:

In compliance with the Brown Act regulations, Monica Roque legally posted this agenda on March 29, 2019.

In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to access the Board meeting room or to otherwise participate during this meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact the Superintendent's Office at (530) 757-5300 ext. 142. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Board meeting.

The Board meeting will be televised live on cable television on DJUSD Education Channel 17. Streaming video of this meeting is also available at: DJUSD Board Meeting.

Agenda Packets are available for review at the Davis Joint Unified School District office, 526 B Street (530-757-5300 x 142); or online at

Published: March 29, 2019, 10:19 AM

The resubmit was successful.